Site News

News about the Site

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Site Updates

Ok, quite a few updates have happened with the site today.  I have added a bunch of pictures and Forums.  I am starting to get the feel for this new CMS system and love what I can do with it.  I have two new reviews for shows here in town being developed. My daughter who is in her 2nd year of College went and saw Avenue Q and Le RĂªve during the last couple of weeks.

I appreciate anyone stopping by and checking out the site. Hopefully it is helping someone.  :roll:

Posted on 04/09/06 at 05:44 PM Site News (0) Comments ;

Friday, April 07, 2006


I finally figured out how to get the pictures to display on the main page.  😊  More pictures will be coming this weekend. I know this section of the page is a little rough and I will work out the details as I learn CSS and the new CMS System.

Posted on 04/07/06 at 11:37 PM Site News (0) Comments ;

Saturday, March 18, 2006

Picture Gallery

The Picture gallery should be up in a few days. I have to learn some HTML and this new CMS system. I have big plans for this site once I figure out what I am doing with the new CMS.  😉

Posted on 03/18/06 at 06:43 PM Site News (3) Comments ;

Monday, February 27, 2006

Site is currently under revamp

Please bear with the dust. We are currently changing over to a new fresh CMS system

Posted on 02/27/06 at 10:24 PM Site News (0) Comments ;
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