Site News

News about the Site

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Picture and Links are offline

Pictures and Links are offline while I finish the change over to new version of ExpressionEngine and formating changes

Posted on 09/26/10 at 11:53 AM Site News (0) Comments ;

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Pictures are offline

I am taking the pictures offline in preparation of upgrading to new version of EE.

Posted on 09/25/10 at 04:21 PM Site News (0) Comments ;

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Update Latoya Holman’s review

I have updated Latoya Holman’s review with her email and Facebook Link

Posted on 10/10/09 at 09:24 AM Site News (0) Comments ;

Saturday, May 24, 2008

MMA Pictures- Tuff-N-Uff F.C.

If you are here for my MMA pictures from the Tuff-N-Uff event held at the Tropicana on Firday May 23rd. They are located here.

Tuff-N-UFF Gallery

Stop by UFAF Pictures for other martial arts pictures

Posted on 05/24/08 at 01:02 AM Site News (0) Comments ;
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